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General Dentistry in Ontario

General dentistry is just as important to our overall health as an annual checkup with a personal physician. At Quinte Mall Dental, we offer general dentistry services in Ontario, Canada.

Most of us probably don’t visit the dentist as often as we should. It is recommended that people see a dentist at least every six months. Seeing a dentist regularly helps prevent minor dental issues from becoming major problems down the line.

What is general dentistry?

When we say general dentistry, you might be wondering what that means. General dentistry covers a variety of services that include:

  • Preventive services such as x-rays and cleanings help keep your teeth in good shape. Your dentist will examine the x-rays to detect tooth decay, cavities, and other issues beyond the surface of your teeth and gums. A good cleaning, meanwhile, is the foundation of good oral health. The dentist will use specialized tools to remove hard to reach plaque buildup that a normal toothbrush misses. In the end, your teeth will feel cleaner and your smile will be brighter.
  • Cosmetic services such as teeth whitening treatments will also brighten your smile. Cosmetic services include porcelain veneers, which is a thin shell of tooth-colored porcelain cemented over the face of a tooth. Porcelain veneers are used to correct teeth with worn enamel, wear and tear, and discoloration.
  • Restoration services such as crowns, bridgework, implants, dentures, and root canal treatments help fix broken, chipped, or missing teeth.
  • Protecting overall health, however, is the main point of general dentistry. It may not seem like it, but our oral health has an impact on our overall health. For instance, untreated infections cause cardiovascular issues and complications during pregnancy. Your dentist will also provide you tips on keeping your teeth healthy so you won’t need to visit as often.

Seeing a dentist doesn’t have to be scary

Visiting the dentist can be scary. That’s why we offer tips to help you control your fear or anxiety. Don’t let fear and anxiety stop you from getting your general dentistry needs taken care of. Our oral health is just as important as our other health needs.

Dr. Rekha Miranda offers general dentistry services at Quinte Mall Dental in Ontario, so make an appointment today by calling 613-962-8626 to get the oral healthcare your teeth need and deserve.

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