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5 Great Benefits of Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dental in Ontario

Very few people enjoy going to the dentist. That is, unfortunately, an undeniable fact. With nitrous oxide sedation dental practices we are working to change that. At Quinte Mall Dental our entire staff understands dental anxiety. They take the necessary steps to help patients of any age take better care of their teeth.

Conquering Dental Anxiety One Patient at a Time

Each patient is different. That means that each may be feeling dental anxiety for a different reason. One may have had a bad experience in the past. The next patient may be in pain from a cavity or other dental problem. Some may not even know why they are uncomfortable at the dentist!

In order to assist patients, the entire staff at Quinte Mall Dental is compassionate and dedicated to providing the best care possible. Our job becomes much easier when patients are not afraid to discuss their anxiety. For us to better serve you, we ask that you help us understand the things that make you uncomfortable.

One of our biggest secret weapons in conquering dental anxiety is the use of nitrous oxide sedation dentistry. The name is slightly misleading, as it doesn’t actually “sedate” patients.

This inorganic gas has been in use safely for dental procedures since the mid-1800s. It was invented in 1793 by French chemist Joseph Priestly. It did take a while to gain wide usage but is now one of the most common dental anesthetics.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry

One of the most effective ways to help patients relax is to make sure that they understand each step of their treatment. With that in mind, bear with us while we do a bit of Nitrous Oxide 101 for the people who don’t know what this is or how it works.

As a colorless and odorless gas, nitrous oxide has a semi-sweet smell. When used correctly, the mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen is safe and very effective in reducing anxiety. Although it is most commonly referred to as “laughing gas,” it may also be called “relative analgesia,” or “conscious sedation.”

The American Dental Association (ADA) estimates that approximately 70 percent of dental offices that use sedation dentistry use nitrous oxide. This mild sedative is administered throughout the entire appointment. Patients wear a simple nose hood and are instructed to avoid breathing through the mouth.

Laughing Gas? Yes and No

Although it is known as laughing gas, it won’t make you laugh maniacally as depicted in TV sitcoms. Rather, it brings about a sense of relaxation, elevates the mood, and produces a sense of overall well-being. It also serves well to reduce pain and relieves anxiety.

So, although it won’t make you laugh uncontrollably, it will offer you a relaxed feeling of well-being during your dental procedure.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dental Won’t “Knock You Out”

You will remain completely conscious during any procedure performed using nitrous oxide. Although you may unintentionally fall asleep, that would be the result of the relaxation rather than a side effect of the nitrous oxide.

You will be able to answer questions and be aware of what is happening in the room around you. The dental staff will be able to explain procedures to you. Although you may have difficulty remembering and exact conversations will be a bit fuzzy, you will be conscious.

Once a procedure is complete it takes about three to five minutes of breathing regular room air to remove many of the effects of nitrous oxide. It is recommended that you avoid driving following a nitrous oxide treatment. You should arrange to have a friend or family member drive you, or perhaps call an Uber or Lyft for the ride home.

Preparing for a Dental Appointment

When we prepare for a dental appointment, most people don’t pay attention to mental preparation. They worry about their socks matching and whether the shirt they selected will be comfortable. But we’re going to talk a bit about things to do at home before an appointment to help better prepare you for nitrous oxide sedation dentistry.

Practice Breathing. While we breathe all day, we don’t often take intentional deep breaths. This simple breathing technique can help you relax.

  • Breathe in through your nose while counting slowly to four.
  • Expand your lungs as you breathe in.
  • Hold that breath and count to four again.
  • Exhale through your mouth slowly, counting again.

Repeat this several times. You can increase the count if you are comfortable counting to six or eight. This exercise slows blood flow to your brain and also slightly decreases your blood pressure. The act of concentrating on counting helps occupy your brain to avoid the panic-thought patterns you would normally have.

Find Your Happy Place. We’ve all heard the expression. What it means is to simply use your imagination to escape from anxious thoughts you might be having. Coupled with the above breathing exercise, this relaxation technique can be very effective in aiding dental anxiety.

  • Close your eyes and breathe slow and steady.
  • Imagine a place that makes you happy.
  • Settle in. Smell the flowers. Watch the critters scamper about. Hug your child.

Once you return to the real world, you will keep some of the relaxing feelings from your happy place. Your happy place can be anywhere or anyone that makes you feel at ease. It’s your private imaginary world so it is geared to what makes you happy.

Benefits of Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry

One of the main reasons that nitrous oxide sedation is preferred for dental procedures is the lack of side effects. There are also many benefits to this type of sedation dentistry:

  • Anxiety reduction
  • Ability to perform more procedures in less time (fewer appointments necessary)
  • Pain reduction
  • Procedures seem to go quicker (it’s an illusion, but roll with it)

We saved the best for last — NO NEEDLES!

If you have ever been hesitant to seek dental care for any reason, please contact Quinte Mall Dental about nitrous oxide sedation dental procedures. It doesn’t matter why you have dental anxiety — we understand it and want to help.

Start with a Routine Dental Checkup and Cleaning

Although it is often one of the most neglected procedures, a routine checkup and cleaning should be scheduled every six months. The staff at Quinte Mall Dental and Dr. Rekha Miranda are compassionate and caring. We want to help you relax during office visits and will do everything we need to in order to make that happen.

You can use the online Appointment Request form or call our office at (613) 962-8626 to schedule an appointment. We are nitrous oxide sedation dental professionals and look forward to meeting you.

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